In a recent decking project in Newtown, Wellington, designer Navin Lal and builder Steve Dickson conspired to come up with some innovative ways to use Plantation Bamboo XTR decking.
After a standard deck was laid, they decided to also use the XTR decking product as decorative cladding on several feature walls around the courtyard area. They also used it as seating, a matching table and even a door. “The XTR decking product is so versatile and strong. Because it is so stable it doesn’t shrink or expand as much as most other natural products, which allows us to do more with it” Steve said. “It also ticks all the ‘eco-boxes’ – which to me is a big thing” he added.
Steve has used the XTR on several other decking and related projects. “The clip-system that comes with the decking makes it much quicker to install – I reckon I could lay it about twice as quick as most other decks” Steve said. “Also, you have less wastage than normal due to the tongue and groove end matching and size of the boards. I really like working with the product”. The colour of the XTR decking has lightened over the 4 months or so since it was laid, and the owners are about to oil it with a Woca “Walnut” oil to bring the rich natural dark colour back again.
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